A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

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Emma Bauer

Photo of Emma Bauer

French Immersion Math & Science, Phys Ed

I graduated from Campus St-Jean at the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Education majoring in math and a minoring in physical education.  Born and raised in Hinton, it seemed only fitting to come back to my hometown to pursue my passion for teaching in 2017. 

I am thrilled that I get to share my love for the french language while teaching math and science. I am happy that I have the opportunity to contribute to and help develop the French Immersion program every year at HCHS. Personally, I make the effort every day to be healthy physically and mentally and so sharing that with students is one of my main priorities as a physical education teacher. I want you to be the best "you", you can be!

Looking forward to another year full of connection, growth, and fun!