A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

Personal Mobile Devices

Personal Mobile Devices at HCHS



The Government of Alberta has created Ministerial Order #14/2024 that sets the standards for the use of personal mobile devices and social media in schools. Grande Yellowhead Public School Division has updated Administrative Procedure 145.  This administrative procedure deals with the use of personal mobile devices. Harry Collinge High School is required to have a school policy that fits within these guidelines that takes into account the local context of its students. 

Personal Mobile Devices (PMDs): includes any personally owned electronic device that can be used to communicate with or access the internet, WiFi, or cellular data network, such as a cellphone, tablet, laptop, gaming device, headphones, or smartwatch.


  1. In compliance with Ministerial Order #014/2024, and Administrative Procedure 145 this policy applies to the use of PMDs during the school day.  
  2. The security and storage of these items are the sole responsibility of the owner/user. The Division assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair, or replacement of personal mobile devices. 
  3. Students are strongly recommended to leave their cell phones at home. The safest place for storage of cell phones is at home. Students who choose to bring cell phones to school do so at their own risk.
  4. It is expected that all student PMDs must be powered off and stored in each student’s locker during instructional time.
    1. Students on spares may use their phones in the cafeteria.
    2. The Learning Commons is a No Phone Zone
  5. Exceptions to the use of PMDs may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Harry Collinge Administrative Team for the following:
    1. to support, monitor, or regulate an identified health and/or medical condition as per the student’s medical plan;
    2. to support an identified inclusive educational need (Assistive Technologies for accessibility and accommodation) as per the student’s Individual Support Plan;
    3. limited use of personal mobile devices for specific educational purposes.
  6. Personal mobile devices are prohibited to be used at any time:
    1. in bathrooms and changing rooms; 
    2. during test or examination settings; 
      1. students requiring access to a PMD during tests or examinations must have explicit permission to do so from the principal
    3. schools are not public buildings; therefore, sharing and recording videos and/or photos of individuals without explicit consent is prohibited.
      1. Videos and photos may be taken during public events located on school property when there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.
  7. Schools have the right and authority to temporarily confiscate, restrict, and/or prohibit personal mobile device usage while individuals are on school property and/or in attendance at school sponsored activities. 
    1. When a staff member confiscates a student’s PMD, it must be securely stored in the classroom or office until returned to the student and/or parent/guardian.
    2. The confiscated PMD must be clearly labelled with the student's name.
  8. Consequences for not abiding by this administrative procedure will result in the following progressive actions:
    1. directed to put PMD away in the designated location. The action is logged by the staff member and an email is sent to the parent/guardian;
    2. temporary confiscation followed by a conversation with the student and parent/guardian, whereby the student or parent/guardian may regain access/collect the PMD at the end of the school day.The action is logged by the staff member.;
    3. prohibition of devices on school property, and access is restricted to Division-Managed Networks;
    4. Case by case consequences for having cell phones in the bathrooms or changing rooms as determined by the Harry Collinge Administrative Team.
    5. further consequence, as determined by the Harry Collinge Administrative Team.
    6. further consequence, as determined by the Office of the Superintendent.
  9. Staff who bring personal mobile devices to school shall comply with Administrative Procedure 140 - Digital Technology. 
  10. During instructional time, staff are expected to be role models for students.
    1. The staff use of PMDs must align with instructional goals.